
Our popular app has functions for both employees and managers. Perform your day-to-day tasks straight from your mobile phone.

Timegrip app for iOS and Android

Mobile App

Let your employees’ check in and out of work and perform important tasks straight from their mobile phones.

Forget outdated time clocks and manual timesheets. With the Timegrip app, your employees can check in and out at work from their mobile phones. A specified geolocation ensures that employees cannot check in unless they are within a certain radius of the workplace, so the manager can be sure that it has been done correctly.

Our app gives your employees full control of their upcoming work schedule and who they will be working with. The schedule is updated whenever a change is made.

In a hectic working day, it must be possible to perform routine tasks on the go.

Forget holiday and shift swapping requests by email or post-it notes. Allowing employees to submit their requests for holiday, absence or shift swaps via the app gives managers a better overview when they come to draw up work schedules. Employees can make themselves available for more work and respond when vacant shifts are published.

The app helps managers to keep track of and streamline day-to-day administrative tasks. You can manage and correct actual hours, add extra hours, and register illness and other absences as well as respond to requests such as vacation, absence, and swap requests.

Do you need to quickly call in additional staff? Publish vacant shifts from your mobile phone.

girl with app

Benefits for employees

  • Check in and out of work via the app
  • Updated work schedules
  • Correct salary
  • Request time off, holiday or a shift swap
  • Communicate with co-workers

Benefits for managers

  • Publish vacant shifts
  • Correct actual hours and absence.
  • Manage requests for time off and holidays
  • Send messages and bulletins
See all features